Sanctuary invites all members and friends to attend our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26th April at 6pm at the Lismore Heights Bowling Club (High St, Lismore Heights).
Arrival from 5.30pm onwards.
Membership renewals are invited - $30 individual, $15 Concession, $45 family.
Please pay to the Sanctuary bank account, using your name as an identifier on the payment, and notify the treasurer via email when you have made your payment (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Sanctuary Northern Rivers
Summerland Credit Union
BSB: 728-728
Account: 25806710
and include your name with the payment.
Reports and updates will be available, and voting on board membership. There will also be an update on the new development with Lismore Region Refugee Settlement (LRRS), who will be settling a new family in this area next month, all going well. There is a separate email coming regrading LRRS plans and events.
Ian Phillips